Join your Temple family for a Sephardic Seder experience. Where: Levin Hall, Temple Beth Or
When: Sunday, April 13, 6:30 p.m.
The Sephardic Seder menu is catered by Bernstein’s Fine Catering
Cost: Let all who are hungry come and eat. Meal costs the Temple $40 per adult and $20 per child. Pay as you are able, or sponsor a meal for another. An additional $100 will reserve a table for you and your guests.
For Reservations and More Information, visit: or call (937) 435-3400
Your participation will ensure that this will be yet another memorable Passover Seder experience.
Chag Sameich.
Buffet Dinner
Kale Salad
Israeli Salad
Moroccan Meatballs with Mediterranean Tomato Sauce (Vegetarian Meatballs by Request)
Sephardic Chicken & Potatoes
Sauteed Eggplant, Peppers, and Tomatoes
Mediterranean Roasted Carrots
Jasmine Rice with Dried Fruits