Support Temple
Effortlessly Support Temple Beth Or by…

Register your Kroger Plus Card on-line, designating Temple Beth Or as your charity of choice. Click here and Sign-in or Create an account. Our organization number is 81170. This literally takes about 2 minutes to do. Then every time you scan your Plus Card at Kroger for groceries, gas, or gift cards, and Temple will earn a percentage donated back to us. IMPORTANT: Kroger Plus Cards must be re-registered annually in May.

Dorothy Lane Market
Temple Beth Or participates in Dorothy Lane Market’s Good Neighbor Program. To participate, just register your DLM Club Card at Our organization number is 215.
Dorothy Lane Market also offers reloadable gift cards (sometimes known as SCRIP). Visit the customer service counter at your favorite store and ask for it to be applied to Temple Beth Or, organization number 1033. Reload these cards before you shop!

Sign up for this free service and you will get great coupons and Temple Beth Or will get a donation! Just designate Temple Beth Or-Dayton as your charity of choice. Click here to learn more.

“Paving Our Path”
Order a brick to add to our paver patio by the outdoor sanctuary.