Lay Led Service – Mary Rogers – Oneg Shabbat to follow
Lay-led Shabbat: Join Mary ‘Mahira’ Rogers and the Temple Beth Or Choir for a special ‘Shabbat in the round’, in person, Summer service at 6:30pm. A light oneg Shabbat will follow.
Lay-led Shabbat: Join Mary ‘Mahira’ Rogers and the Temple Beth Or Choir for a special ‘Shabbat in the round’, in person, Summer service at 6:30pm. A light oneg Shabbat will follow.
In-person Apocrypha Study: Join Rabbi Chessin and our study group at Temple Beth Or. Bring a pot-luck breakfast item to share. LIVE and ZOOM.
JCC Adults in partnership with the Beth Abraham Synagogue Program Committee, Beth Jacob Programming Committee, Temple Beth Or Adult Education Committee, and Temple Israel Adult Education Committee invite you and your friends to explore the first of several museums in our area! (age 16 and over are welcome) Museum Field Trip Tuesday, August 20 11 […]
The Dayton Art Institute 456 Belmonte Park North Dayton, OH 45405 Look at Us shares works of artists and artisans with a Dayton connection. On view now at Works by Jewish artists from the collection of the Dayton Art Institute including Sol LeWitt, Roy Lichtenstein, and Alexander Liberman. To view Click Here. Starting August 7th […]
Join us for Lay-led Shabbat. If you are interested in leading this service, please contact the office.
Welcome to a brand new year of Jewish Short Stories (and we mean short)! Please join the Zoom discussion from 7:00-8:30 pm the 4th Wednesday of each month. Discussion will center on one short story that has Jewish content and/or is authored by a Jewish writer. We intend to have fun and learn from each […]