What will your legacy be?
Everyone, regardless of age, wealth or affiliation has the ability to leave a legacy to sustain Temple Beth Or.
Temple has partnered with the Jewish Foundation of Greater Dayton and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation as part of the Life and Legacy Program.
Life and Legacy provides support to Temple in organizing a strong planned giving program which increases our endowment.
Temple Beth Or is eligible for incentive grants if it receives enough Letters of Intent.
For more information, contact Rabbi Judy Chessin or Dan Sweeny. Call the office at 937-435-3400 and we will help you make the connection.
Temple Beth Or Legacy Society Members
Temple Beth Or has partnered with the Greater Dayton Jewish Founda- tion and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation in the Life & Legacy Pro- gram. Many thanks to the following who have founded our legacy soci- ety by signing one of more Letters of Intent to remember Temple Beth Or in their will, trust, retirement account or life insurance policy. Thank you also to those who have asked to remain anonymous.
Elaine and Joe Bettman
Kevin and Karen Bressler
Dena Briskin
David Char
Deb Char
Rabbi Judy Chessin
Eva Clair
Jacob Elder
Kathryn Elder
Bev Farnbacher
Claudia Fried
Bill Fried
Marni Flagel
Lorraine Fortner
Marc and Laurie Friedman
Cathy Gardner
Felix Garfunkel
Paula Gessiness
Dr. Heath Gilbert
Marc Gilbert and Annette Nathan
Rachel Haug Gilbert
Marsha Goldberg
Stephen Goldberg
John and Karen Granby
Michael and Teri Halasz
Vicky Heuman
Gary Hochstein
Jane Hochstein
Judie and Bill Kell
Karen and Matthew Lindsay
Jan Maharam
Steven R. Markman and Helen R. Markman
Myrna Nelson
Ron Nelson
Sue Nelson
Martha Moody and Martin Jacobs
Milton Nathan MD and Ritva Williamson
Ira Segalewitz
Janet Sherman and Marc Low
Jennifer Sherman
Sara and Micah Siegal
Marc and Carrie Siegel
Brian and Jessica Simpson
Daniel Sweeny
Janese R. Sweeny
Donald and Caryl W. Weckstein
Peter Wells
Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Youra
Private Donors (5)